Moody weather walk, November 2017. 12. 11. 2017. 02. 08. 2024. Gloomy day in late autumn, a walk through Jastrebarsko, and a walk/drive through the neighbourhood in mid-November 2017. I was hoping for more representing photos, but somehow I got rather dull photos. The weather definitely wasn’t helping! CameraMinolta Dynax 7000i 🔗LensesMinolta AF 28mm F2.8 🔗Minolta AF Zoom 35–100mm F3.5–4.5 🔗Minolta AF Zoom 100–300mm F4.5–5.6 🔗FilmDM Paradies Action 400, post-2014 emulsion 🔗ScannerPlustek OpticFilm 8100 + VueScan 9.5 🔗DevelopmentFoto-studio Centar, Ilica 34, Zagreb