Snow, January 2024.
Snow, January 2024.

Snow, January 2024.

After a few false alarms, snow finally arrived, and naturally, I had to take a walk through the park nearby.

The part of the park I went to first was almost deserted – snow was still largely untouched, and I had an unobstructed view. In the rest of the park, I wasn’t alone, there were quite a few people already there, enjoying the snow, leaving me with fewer options. Nonetheless, I had a great time there, that day.

I took my only weather-sealed digital camera with me, my trusty Pentax K20D, and two lenses – smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL wide-angle and film-era smc Pentax-FA 70–200mm F4–5.6 telephoto zoom.

I took a film camera with me, as well, but for now, let’s stick to digital photos.

One of the photos reached in Flickr Explore for January 20, 2024! Yay!

Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-FA 70–200mm F4–5.6 ✨ Explored! ✨
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
Pentax K20D + smc Pentax-DA 16–45mm F4 AL
