Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Apparently, we’ve used up this year, and it’s time for a new one!

I hope the next year will be better, with more, better photos, more inspiration, better health and more money – the film isn’t getting any cheaper!

Traditionally, my family, non-practising believers and atheists, always celebrated New Year’s more than Christmas, and I’m continuing the tradition – if nothing else, it’s an opportunity to unpack presents twice in a week! πŸ₯°

Regarding the plans for the next year (it’s still 2023 while I’m writing this!), I would like to travel more – I did just a few local routes. I’ve learned I’d like a new (to me) telephoto lens for my Canon DSLR system, and my main camera, my Panasonic GX7 is starting to show the results of the abuse, so I’ll have to start thinking about the replacement, whether to stay in the system or jump ship, yet again.

Anyhow, Happy New Year, people!

Check the photo up there on Flickr, in its full-sized glory: click here!